

welcome to my abstract mind

Thursday, March 25, 2010


  • citizens..
the devil...
saying....blaming----shifting...sulfur in the air.......
dictators of the south....
flames on his hair..........
..........they are flaming the blame.....
look carefully....
friendly to the bear.....
..........television, judges, radio,schools,........
no more negatives about me....
one belief, one party.........
one rule...............
NO MORE GULF .........
distributing the hardware........
military...can I trust that you..
can you believe in Simon Bolivar ...........
could it be that you are just judging........
..........judging me..........
to see how far...
  • Dialectical materialism and oil.
    pipes in the air...
    can only mix....
    destroy the waters.
    the jungles.....
    if we are fair.........
    he is burning and yet he says it's you; YOU........
    the BEAR.....
    ............Satan lost..........
    ............LOST Lucifer...
    hear me we are the honest ones..the vote was rigged.....
    the other side..........
    the reason for what he has.........
    the Luna moth.saves your breath.
    ...........believing the Marxist theory...will he be lost...
    will make him lost design a plan with the other Marxist........ the Island..the paradise...
    where people live in scare.
    play behavior, ludic, absurdity............
    we continue because of what we know about you. are really not the majority
    but we make you believe it .......
    you don't know any better.
    is what we loath.
    we encourage you to take illegal action we lead.
    we are your leaders......
    We will help you build a space program...
    this will make you gleam..
    will make you be-am.....the rich giant up north will not like it......
    be em into space.........but I know that you don't care.........
    believe in us............we will be so fair.........
    deliberate....subterfuge..ingenious double dealings...
    that's what we are better known for.....
    can we say the Slavic bear.....................
    tell me that it's fair.........?

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible that we are talking about Chaves, Putin, and maybe that Iranian dude whith the weired name ? how they want to stick it to Uncle Sam, so now the US will fully arm Columbia to get even, Don't leave the Chinease out, they just sign a $25 billion with Hugo. Hugo is their man.
