

welcome to my abstract mind

Saturday, July 17, 2010


  • ........inter.feelings of low spirit now we have you here.. ........
  • in practice..
    in the whole of your energy for one to lose.. ........
    depravity.. as if i .. .. Have to choose..
    allow me to at least ..
    can we have a derailleur... ........
    in a fog of the ones we care..
    i want to shift the gears to.. what is it that is here.. ........
    ........or there.. ...........
    no rest..
    no comfort for the one here..
    all tears can not find.. with tears..
    one can not see it clear..
    .......bad choices ...
    badly clouded my thinking at the time.. .........
    can we blame love... .........
    it can do that to you...
    blinding the ideas..
    the thoughts...
    ........the way to what is now here..
    a weakness that we care to let you know..
    forfeiting what is going to happen .. you go..
    can we adjust to a sad. state..
    sadness again..with tears ..
    for all.. the time ..the love i had ..
    could have made me do anything..
    all that was needed was a mere suggestion. ..........
    ......and it did.
  • anxiety........
    ......any.. indiscriminately..
    disrupting your system of a forever life..
  • even your digestive system..
    all systems ..
    all the same all effected for that year..
    that is here .. .
    that's why we came.
    that is why we are here here.. her name.