

welcome to my abstract mind

Saturday, May 1, 2010

a score of zero

love is not just a condition, not a feeling.........of.. odd being alive, of being there in the is not just you beaming tormented with the torrents of a line of exquisiteness of what you have been through, or that you may in time be brought back to .... what you were, Love is not your every day occurrence that happens to .. just the ordinary , the small of mind , is there to destroy... to build... to honer... to bring .... to concur to engulf to .. out do .. to paint to erase to bring you back to what you may have to do ... to understand what is sphere in the first place........ look. In the pain, the hurt, the immensity of the whole being......... how....tell me HOW can you, can I. believe that LOVE is blind, love is .. what ever hits the enormous extremity of you . all of you. at once.. to blind you fore....that moment , that moment could be forever... to find you in what ever you may..have encounter in the feelings of that moment. .. that forever moment.............. it could for the time of would me, and you be in the most outrageous ... OUTRAGEOUS .. way be into you and into me at the same time ..... without you ever being in there at all. go......Love is a is a life time.....GO and find the one that hit you with that time in your life...see if you can really remember the time and how it felt at the time........ allow the healing.....allow the interlude of what has happened........sit.... sit down..and be the one that brings out the ones to you , and be accommodating to the ones that need.....that have to be reminded of what it was......of what it can, will............ don't just allow them to be...may still be .. infested with that feeling.. that fragment .. that draws you so close to .. and makes you forget the the rose......... the rose is that view in your mind of the beauty that you can't was so good to feel in the the existence of that moment in time we had.........shared....inbraced together. on time long ago..............very long more time to go........................and go.


  1. You are talking about the rush of being IN love not LOVE...Love is just the everyday stuff...the being there despite the routine, even when things get boring. IN LOVE is the glue, but LOVE is the bit that makes it stick.

  2. Purple cow, Thank you, I will be honest, I was watching a Tenis match, and I kept wondering why Zero is called LOVE in scoring, and it acured to me that love is also Zero in the human Idea, at times. So I just kept going. Thank you for your input, I do believe that you are also a very deep thinker.
