

welcome to my abstract mind

Saturday, May 29, 2010


in search of the old..
my mind is now in a state of peripatetic..mold.
inferences to the most..grievous .. .....
a kinetic energy to find the gold
  • That I can not avoid.........
    ..........unable to resist the changes in my soul.....
    seemingly like a social disparity... .......
    a paramount ..
    abrasive injury...
    the feelings of waif...
    ..........flopping in the wind of my internal dialog.. ....
    ..........of the soul. ..
    like tinnitus of an urgent call...
    needing help..
    .assistance with the road that I have been in today ..
    listening to you......
    ..........of all..

    no need to find me... .......
    allusions of me are gone...
    hearing all of you in one voice... unison to hold ..
    takes a vast amount of courage..
    pleading for me to be there in the old.
    your group is the twelve small birds.....
    ............the one voice.. the old
    ............because of what you have been told.
    ............the internal dialog of my soul.

    like the many small quail that I see today running..
    That is the way it feels
    to have to take you there..
    the need I have is the need .. of us all.. that what makes us be the same... looking for gold..
    together like the tiny birds that I see out in the sun..
    ...........sparklers on my soul

    ............out in the yards of a watery hole..
    I will never hurt you..
    in periodic intervals,,,,a cyclic way of thinking....
  • I will whole the Idea as if you were in there too.
    to tomorrow and beyond...
    I will still be looking for the change..
    ...........the ineluctable an irrefutable even strange......
    ...........there is a need to change..
    things are not the same as when I got here.
    then I had the means to be near.. it hurts...
    .......... it hurts to know what I have to do...
    and to do the changes own my own...

     that's what is near...
    it is very near....... 

    a very persist tic...mode..........alone........


  1. not good to be old, sick, and looking for health at the VA med. center. taking these people there, effected my thinking briefly, only friefly

  2. sometimes it seems like my mind is operating in shorter and shorter cycles.

    ..and changing it is harder than anything

    I sure appreciate these verses of yours

  3. Wow. This just took my perspective and turned it in a totally new direction. The fact that you can take somebody like me, with no experience of what you're felling, and make me see what you see, is truly a testament to your skill at writing.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Captain Background, I totally appreciate your comments on what I write about, please allow me to say this, with all sincerity; i believe that you are truly gifted,continue with your work so the we all can benefit from your extraordinary talent. Thank you.

  5. Thank you Bill;
    I have been meaning to say thanks, not just once, but for the many times that you have encoureged me with your words.

    I read everything that you write, and sometimes I don't know how to say the things that feel, I don't cosider myself in the same calibre as you, when it comes to writing.
    Again Thank you.
