By accretions of material.......
tracks you leave behind...
secretions.. the era of the mind.....
..........seen by the ones......
..........hurting in vacuum...
like grubs digging up roots..
for something that is hard to fine..............
- Drudge folks for money..
I will speak for you........
in the halls .....
.........I do.......
you believe me when I tell you that red is blue.
I look so good.......
I can tell you that I peak............
I speak so well...
.........when I speak the truth you can hardly tell. ...
please....It's just a phrase...
protect me from the flexible loop connected to my fees.
Like the Admiral deluding the sailor rum.....
.........of me......
you hear how...and what my reputation has become.........
I look for all....
.they have, all I can.......
.I will get it done.....
being next to me is like rubbing on the sun..........
So much like a politicioan